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MLB Phillies Font File Format: TrueType Font (.ttf) Copyright: Generated by Fontographer 4.1 Style: Regular Version: Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 9/29/04 MLB Phillies Font Preview Download MLB Phillies Font Free Font Download: MLB Phillies Truetype Font (18 KB) MLB Phillies Font Custom Preview Tool Enter some text in the box below, then click the preview button. (Cookies must be enabled in your browser.) Share MLB Phillies Free Font Short URL Permalink URL Standard HREF Link Code Download More Free Fonts Recommended Font Picks TheSans Plain Baskerville Old Face.

Last week, my family and I took our annual trip to the New Jersey shore, famous for its white-sand beaches, greasy food, and hairy backs. I grew up in the Philadelphia area (as I may have mentioned once or twice on this site) and spent at least two weeks at the Shore every summer as a child. These days, every summer, my wife and I take our children to the Shore for a little dose of the culture that made me who I am—boardwalk amusements, soft-serve ice cream, and a preponderance of Philadelphia sports paraphernalia. At the Shore, I noticed people wearing the “ill” T-shirts pictured here.

The designers of the shirts, which I found on a site called (official tagline: “Where porkroll egg & cheese is for breakfast, every damn day”), cleverly extracted the “ill” from the middle of the logo of Philadelphia’s Major League Baseball team, the Phillies, set in the typeface Scriptwurst. (Note that the product shot of the women’s shirt features a slender model, while the photo of the men’s shirt does not. I can only assume, based on my own week of eating cheese fries, cheese steaks, and fried cheese, that there are no men slender enough to fit the shirt in the photo left in the tri-state area.) Of course, this raises the question, “Why would someone wear a shirt that says ‘ill’ on it?” Interestingly, this is exactly the question our mysterious and reclusive third author Lisa Brochu asked upon seeing these shirts on my computer screen (immediately followed by “Don’t you have work to do?”). Well, as tells us, the kids these days use “ill” to mean “cool, tight, or sweet,” as in “Dat ride iz ILL” (actual example shared by Urban Dictionary contributor Da Shizzle). I’m surprised Lisa didn’t know that.



So, the shirts are clever, provided that you are familiar enough with Philadelphia sports to recognize the Phillies logo typeface and your slang is current to at least 1997. If not, you may see someone wearing this shirt and assume that they are, as the word is traditionally defined by, “of unsound physical or mental health; unwell; sick possibly from eating too many fried cheese products.” But the folks at Philavania didn’t stop with just one clever twist on the Phillies logo. On the Philavania website, you can find versions of the shirt not only in Phillies blue and red, but also the orange and black of the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team and green and silver of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. Upon seeing these shirts, I had two simultaneous and equally strong reactions. I thought, “Why would you hybridize the identities of two different teams—the type and composition of one with the color scheme of another—that already have their own carefully constructed brands?” And I thought, “Those shirts are awesome.” (Oddly, I also thought, “I could use some cheese.”) Finally, I thought, “There’s a lesson here.” Interpreters and graphic designers talk a lot about knowing their audience. When I was in design school, any student who described his or her target audience as “general public” on any project was summarily dismissed from class and forced to work as an intern creating forms for the department of motor vehicles. Having a specific audience identified at the beginning of a project gives an interpreter or designer a significant head start towards success.

Look at the Phillies/Flyers “ill” shirt, for instance. You can identify the target audience as people who: 1. Like Philadelphia sports teams, 2. Are familiar enough with the Phillies’ logo to recognize it with five of its eight letters missing, 3.

Are familiar enough with the Flyers’ team colors to recognize them on a shirt that contains the logo of a different team, 4. Speak 1997 slang, and 5. Want a shirt whose color will hide cheese drips. At first, it seems that the folks at Philavania might have limited themselves by targeting such a specific market, but based on comments I’ve seen online and heard in person about the shirts, the people in that target audience overwhelmingly like the shirts. The shirt doesn’t resonate with everyone, but the people it does resonate with, it really resonates with them. As a communicator, I’d rather create a message that hits home with a specific audience than one that only marginally registers with a much larger audience. Interpreters and designers stand a better chance to be successful by concentrating on a specific audience rather than trying to appeal to everyone all the time.

Do a good enough job and before you know it, kids at your site will be saying things like, “Yo, that campfire program was ILL.” Do a bad job and they’ll be saying, “Yo, that campfire program made me ill.” One final note, not entirely unrelated: In September of last year, I wrote a post called “,” in which I explain that the font the Phillies use in their logo, Scriptwurst, is proprietary and not available to the public. Nevertheless, Scriptwurst continues to be the most-searched term that drives readers to this website, presumably the result of people looking to find and download the font.

A big IBD hello to all of those folks! Sorry we weren’t of more use to you. Posted inTagged,. It seems that I’ve made enough snarky comments about the Phillies’ recent World Series championship in posts completely unrelated to baseball that we’ve started showing up when people search terms like “Phillies typeface” or “Phillies logo font” on the Internet.

Inevitably, anyone clicking through to this site after one of these searches is disappointed because they’re probably looking to download Phillies fonts, which are custom designed and not available to the public. To confirm this, I called the Phillies and spoke with Print/Creative Services Director Tina Urban. (I asked to speak with Shane Victorino, but he was busy.) Ms. Urban told me that the Phillies typeface (as seen on my son Joel’s T-shirt above) was designed by Major League Baseball and is called Scriptwurst, which to me sounds like a magical combination of type and sausage. This got me to thinking about the relationship between typography and my favorite baseball team. This summer, I stopped at a T-shirt shop on the Ocean City, New Jersey, boardwalk to get Joel a personalized Phillies T-shirt with the name and number of his choice on the back. He chose “Joel” because that’s his name and “10” for reasons I have yet to determine.

(I know what you’re thinking, but this was before the Phils traded for fourth outfielder Ben Francisco.). Associated Press/Charles Dharapak When we placed the order, I envisioned a shirt with the typeface the Phillies use on the back of their jerseys, which is different from the Scriptwurst logo that appears on the front of the jersey.

Scriptwurst Font

Phillies Font Free

The typeface on the back of the jerseys is a sans serif that is thick and slightly rounded (which describes a fair portion of Phillies fans, as well). It’s easy to read and a little more fun than most of the typefaces you find on professional sports paraphernalia. Even President Obama likes this typeface enough to have gotten himself a personalized Phillies jersey. (Now people searching the Internet for serious political news are going to find themselves here. Sorry, folks.) What we got instead was what you see here. The color of the shirt is the appropriate red and the composition is loosely correct.

But on the other hand, the baseline on the number 10 is uneven because of what my grad school professors would call a “poor level of craft,” and technically, the name should be on a slight arc instead of straight across. Most importantly, though, the typeface on Joel’s shirt has nothing to do with what the Phillies use on their official gear. Now, I imagine that if we were at a Phillies game in a stadium that routinely hosts roughly 45,000 fans, I might be the only one concerned about the typography on the back of a T-shirt (with the notable exception of Tina Urban). But to me, the typeface used on the back of the shirt has nearly as much to do with the identity of the team as the logo itself.

Urban agrees, and says she has to wear blinders when she goes to the shore because she can’t stand to look at the indignities inflicted by boardwalk T-shirt vendors on the Phillies’ carefully crafted identity. In retrospect, I should have ordered something online from the Phillies website to get the official custom typeface rather than having some guy on the boardwalk iron type onto a shirt. To me, this shows that visual identity is about more than just a logo; it’s a system of design choices related to color, type, and composition, and all of them need to be consistent. Note: Out of curiosity, I Googled “Phillies typeface” and came across an excellent post called on the website GraphicHug. Little did author Chris Ro know when this article was posted on October 15, 2008, that the Phillies were on their way to winning the World Series—a victory for the Phightin’ Phils and sophisticated type! Posted inTagged,.

Phillies Font Free

Girls Jump Rope Army Navy Game

Girls Jump Rope Army Navy Game

Oct 18, 2009 Halftime show for an Army/Navy basketball game. These girls are crazy good.

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1, 2010 ANNAPOLIS, Md. The Naval Academy Athletic Association has announced that the popular King's Firecrackers Jump Rope Team will once again perform at halftime of both games of the Army / Navy Basketball Doubleheader on Saturday, February 19.

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The Navy women's basketball team will take on Army at noon, followed by the men's game at 2:30 pm. Both games will be televised nationally on CBS College Sports. The Army / Navy Doubleheader has sold out each of the past three seasons, so fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance of game week. Tickets for the doubleheader are only $8 for adults and $4 for youth ages 18 and under.

One ticket gets you in to both games. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Navy Ticket Office at 800-US4-NAVY or they can be ordered online at The Firecrackers have performed at Alumni Hall over the past few seasons to much acclaim. The YouTube videos of their 2008-09 season performance at Alumni Hall has reached over 500,000 views. The Firecrackers are a performance jump rope team made up of talented 4th-8th graders from the Kings Local School District in Ohio. Coached by Lynn Kelley, they perform at venues across the country.


Some notable past performances have been at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a Presidential Inauguration, an appearance on The David Letterman Show and during halftime of many NBA and collegiate games.

Follow When a teenager named Izzy gives up boxing to join a jump rope team in Jump In!, a Disney Channel original movie debuting January 12, his classmates taunt him for taking up a playground pastime made popular by little girls. Marcus Taylor, who taught lead actor Corbin Bleu his rope-skipping skills for the film, says the same thing used to happen to him while he was growing up. 'I got teased all the time when I was younger,' says Taylor, 20, who went on to become a world champion rope jumper in 2004. Now when people poke fun at him, Taylor just takes out his rope and wows them with his gravity-defying jumps, flips and tricks.

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'I know that jump roping is so cool,' he says, adding that most people realize the same thing after seeing what he can do. That's a big part of why jump roping has become more popular than ever. While most kids do it just for fun nearly five million participated in the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser in 2006 others are making a habit of it, and have helped it to become an intense international sport with its own world cup held every other year.

Nearly 40 teams participated in the world competition held last July in Toronto, with a Belgian team placing first, USA taking the silver, and Australia nabbing the bronze. At the national level, some 850 athletes competed at the USA Jump Rope championships in Orlando last June. While some entrants excel in speed the current world record is 190 hops in 30 seconds others are known for their freestyle routines, which incorporate gymnastics and choreography into individual ('single rope') or group ('double dutch') performances. As the number of competitors has increased, so too has interest in watching their increasingly intricate steps and athletic stunts. 'When you watch it, it's really something that is incredibly mind-boggling, and you can't quite picture how they do that,' says Bleu, 17, who performed most of his own tricks for Jump In!

Kelsy Moe, 22, became the female champion last year for moves such as the 'double under frog' and 'triple under,' in which she performs handstands and jumps while twirling the rope around her body up to three times before her feet finally hit the ground. In addition to the Disney movie, which will air six times over the next five weeks, ESPN2 will broadcast the national championships on January 14 and February 13th, and the Discovery Channel is planning to air a documentary called Double Time, which focuses on two top double dutch teams, later this year. Anyone who thinks rope skipping is child's play hasn’t been to the 3-hour-a-day practices run by coach Ray Frederick, Jr., of the Bouncing Bulldogs in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. In a typical session, team members climb 2000 to 3000 football stadium steps and do 500 one-footed jumping jacks. That hard work has paid off. 'We've won the national championship three years in a row now, and that's never happened before,' says Frederick, whose team currently consists of 95 boys and girls, ranging from ages 4 to 22. Mary Hunter Benton, 15, says she gets up at 5 a.m.

Each day to make morning practice and often does not get home until 7 p.m. On weeknights. Weekends are spent traveling the country to do performances, such as the upcoming halftime show at the Army-Navy men's basketball game on January 21.

'The crowd always loves the 'rodeo,' where you're bouncing on your butt. They always find that fascinating,' notes team member Krishinda Lee, 22, who is a junior at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Although Benton says she would like to have time to run cross-country or join the cheerleading squad at her high school along with many of her friends, 'you just have to keep your eye on the ball' err, rope. Benton placed third for individual female competitors in last year's world competition. Not bad for a girl who took up jumping rope on a lark after watching a demonstration at a local shopping mall when she was just a little girl.

Girls Jump Rope Army Navy Game

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Free Office 365 University For Mac

This will re-direct you to the University’s Office 365 login page. Step 3 Enter your Active Directory username and password (including the ur domain). Step 4 In the Software window, click Office. Then click the Install button. With Office 2011 for Mac, you may encounter a “Getting Started” window with three options. Students, faculty and staff can take advantage of free Office 365 ProPlus, through. Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote, which work across your PCs and Macs, you.

Jess Stratton is a staff author and technology consultant who specializes in productivity software and mobile tech. For over 10 years, Jess Stratton has operated her own technology consulting business, creating and maintaining databases for both enterprise and small-to-medium businesses, building websites, setting up networks, and coaching teams, employees, and individuals to harness the latest desktop and mobile technology for increased productivity. Jess is now a full-time staff author at, in addition to being a regular and regarded presenter at Lotus Notes conferences and a contributing author for several industry print and web magazines, textbooks, podcasts, webcasts, and other popular sites, including You can find Jess on her website at or follow her on Twitter @NerdGirlJess. By: Nick Brazzi course. 1h 16m 36s. 505 viewers.

Course Transcript - Voiceover My name is Jess Stratton. Welcome to Office 365 for Mac: Up and Running with Outlook. If you've already watched the Up and Running with Outlook for Mac 2016, you don't need to watch this course. As Office 365 always uses the most current edition of Outlook, these two courses are identical.

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This course is designed to be very fast-paced to get you up to speed so that you can start using Outlook for Mac right away. I'm going to take you through adding email accounts, how to use the interface, reading, organizing and searching your mail. I'll show you how to work with attachments and then we'll move onto contacts. I'll show you how to create contacts and contact groups.

Finally, I'll show you how to navigate the calendar, create an appointment, a meeting and even how to open somebody else's calendar. We have a lot to cover in a very short amount of time so let's get started.

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KU students, faculty and staff can download free desktop versions of Microsoft Office products for home use through Office 365 in. What’s included in Office 365 at KU? The University of Kansas on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy.

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